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Renaissance Water
Renaissance Water
Health begins with water
Terms to Know First
Terms to Know First
Who are we:
Renaissance Water Company LLC
What do we make:
A water called "Ultimate H2O" patented
Why is it called Ultimate H2O:
It is not just another glass of filtered or bottled mountain spring water. It is called "Ultimate H2O" because of the addition of beneficial additives and properties that are accurately put back into the water. Each glass of Ultimate H2O is made fresh at your tap, ensuring high quality.
These terms below you will find on this and are defined for you in the various sections:
- Sensory Effect: See, Feel, and Hear the Ultimate H2O at your tap when you pour a glass of our water
- TDS or total dissolved solids
- ORP or oxidation reduction potential
- EC or electrical (specific) conductance
- Electrolytes: What are they and why does water need them?
- Is alkaline water a good water to drink?
- Alkalinity: What does the term alkalinity mean?
- pH: What is a beneficial pH range to drink water?
- Dissolved oxygen: Does putting more dissolved oxygen in drinking water benefit the consumer?
- Dissolved hydrogen: Does dissolved hydrogen in drinking water benefit the consumer?
- R/O water: Is it safe water to drink?
- Traditional systems: Why do they have a membrane between the anode and cathode?
- Electrolysis of H2O or the ionization of water: What does that do to improve the water you drink?
- What does the term "processed water" imply? Our water is first purified by R/O (all contaminates removed). Water is then electrolyzed forming dissolved hydrogen and oxygen because many co-valent, and hydrogen bonds are broken apart. The dyne surface tension of the water is significantly reduced aiding in the absorption of nutrients. The processed water is also made alkaline by adding electrolytes changing TDS and pH. Free electrons which are antioxidants, are created resulting in negative (mV) ORP (oxidation reduction potential).
After reading this technical web site about "Ultimate H2O" you will understand that our water is different than the traditional systems in these ways:
- By significantly increasing the dissolved oxygen level in the drinking water, animal studies conducted by Queens University in Ireland found a favorable change in the intestinal gut flora (an increase in aerobic, and facultative anaerobic oxygen loving bacteria). This finding found a significant reduction in a serious disease normally found in some animals.
- Plants grown with this type of oxygenated water thrive and were found to be larger and produce more and higher quality fruit. These findings were verified by a comprehensive study done at Newcastle University in England.
- And, because Ultimate H2O is precisely produced, the water quality never changes its analytical measurements each time a glass is made at your tap. The measurements for TDS, EC, ORP, pH, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, dissolved hydrogen and electrolyte content will stay within a desirable range.
- For a nominal cost Renaissance Water will provide its customers with quantitative testing probes and qualitative test kits so you can have total confidence in the water you are consuming.
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