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About Us

Humans can go without eating for about thirty (30) days, without water for about seven (7) days, and without oxygen for less than ten (10) minutes. Both clean water and oxygen are essentially the most vital constituents we need to survive in the short term. Renaissance Water Company has developed a patent pending oxygenated, alkaline water system that is unique in the water filtration business. Traditional alkaline water devices use a membrane to separate the anode from the cathode. At the anode these devices produce the acidic water which is where dissolved oxygen and chlorine are produced. These devices generally waste this water or use it for disinfection.

The Renaissance patent #6,358,395 ( and provisional patent pending May 2022 water system does not use a membrane between the anode and cathode. Because we purify the potable tap water with an R/O system the water is devoid of all substances meaning the minerals. 

With the Renaissance Water System you get a highly oxygenated, alkaline, anti-oxidant, mineral rich, purified drinking water reliably for years and for pennies a glass.

Renaissance Water LLC has two (2) distinctive properties that are combined into our purified water that no other alkaline water purification system can achieve.

  • We provide a high degree of freshly made dissolved oxygen into the water that you can initially see for about one (1) minute as the water clears. Even though the water clears the same amount of dissolved oxygen is still in the water and will stay that way for hours at room temperature.
  • And in the same glass of purified water you will received the antioxidant properties of an electron enriched water. 

How can this antioxidant property be measured?

The answer is: with a ORP meter. Please carefully read the following information.

The photographs below are pictures of the oxidation reduction potential (ORP) readings of normal potable tap water, Arrowhead bottle water, Brita filtered water, a R/O systems filtered water and water from the Renaissance Alkaline oxygenation system.

Notice the ORP meter readings which measures in millivolts (mV) the amount of electrons in of each of these water types.

Using a calibrated ORP meter these water sources listed had readings as follows:

For a further understanding of the benefits of alkaline water with a negative ORP read the following web site:


  1. The potable tap water has a higher ORP mainly because it contains chlorine which is an oxidant.
  2. Arrowhead Bottled water and Brita water remove contaminates and thereby reduce the ORP. However, both still have positive (+) ORP readings.
  3. R/O systems remove bacteria, organic and inorganic compounds from the water further reducing the ORP but the ORP is still positive (+).
  4. Renaissance Water Alkaline system adds back minerals and electrons to the water thereby producing negative (-209 mV) ORP anti-oxidant water.

Which one should you be drinking?

"Purified water is dead, it is void of oxygen and has a positive ORP

Consume substances that have a negative ORP."

 Paavo Airola PhD., N.D.

Nutritionist, Author

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