Renaissance Water
Renaissance Water
Health begins with water
Alkaline Water
Water can be acidic, neutral, or alkaline. Water that is in the acidic range, a pH of less than 7, takes electrons away and is called oxidation (rusting occurs because of this condition). Water that is alkaline, a pH of greater than 7, gives electrons and is called reduction, thereby acting as an antioxidant. Water can be measured to have either an oxidation or reduction potential and is analyzed with an ORP meter in milli-volts (mV). Alkalinity is the ability of water even in conditions where it may be exposed to more acidic environments will remain alkaline. This happens because the water has been "buffered" with for example a mineral as calcium (Ca++) or other minerals.
This value of alkalinity is measured analytically as Calcium carbonate.
How do Jupiter and Kangen alkaline water systems work?
These traditional alkaline water systems use the electrolysis of water with a membrane (diaphragm) between the anode and the cathode to separate two types of water.
One is acidic (anode) and the other is alkaline (cathode).
The "acid water" is not drinkable and is generally wasted down the drain. However, manufactures of membrane alkaline water systems recommend that the acid water can be used for disinfection because at the anode chlorine is produced in the presents of chloride that is normally found in all potable tap water supplies.
The chemical reactions that would occur are:
At the anode (acid water):
2Cl ------ Cl + 2e
2H2O ------- 4H + 4e + *O2
Cl2 + H2O ------ *HClO + H + Cl
HClO------H + ClO
*Notice that oxygen and chlorine are produced at the anode.
At the cathode (alkaline water):
Na ------ e + Na
2Na + 2H2O ------ H2 + 2Na + 2OH
- The acid water has the ability to clean and disinfect.
- The alkaline water has a pH >8.0
- The alkaline water has a negative shift in milli-volts, the water has antioxidant properties.
- Water clusters are reduced in size, better hydration when consumed.
- Traditional alkaline water systems have a reversing (cleaning cycle) to remove minerals from the plates. Plating will still occur diminishing the performance of the system over time especially if your water source is hard water.
- Traditional alkaline water filter systems cannot remove all harmful contaminants in the water.
- Soft water in various parts of the world has a very low mineral content in the water. This means the water has very little alkalinity which acts as a buffer to keep the water in a desirable pH range.
- Alkaline water systems need their filters to be periodically changed.
- Plants will not grow well if the water is to acidic or to alkaline. A more neutral pH is desirable.
- No additive dissolved oxygen.
In comparison how does the Renaissance alkaline water system work?
Our alkaline water system performs the electrolysis of water "without" the use of a membrane (diaphragm) between the anode and cathode.
Both the anode and cathode water combine producing highly oxygenated, alkaline, mineralized, antioxidant water. The electrolyte solution used before the cell are a combination of sodium and potassium bi-carbonate and sodium citrate. A post mineral filter after the electro-catalytic cell is made of coral calcium. It can provide up to 72 additional minerals into the water you drink without changing the taste of water.
The chemical reactions that would occur at the anode and cathode are:
2H2O ------ 4H + O2 + 4e
2K + 2H2O ------ H2 + 2K + 2OH
K + OH ------ KOH
KHCO3 + H2O ------ KOH + H2CO3 ------ CO2 + H2O
- The processed water is first purified with a (your) R/O system, thereby removing all organic and inorganic compounds, including bacteria, solids, chloride, fluoride, and chlorine, tri-halomethanes, chloroform which are produced from the process of chlorination.
- No chlorine is produced at the anode because the R/O system removed the chloride in the potable tap water.
- The anode and cathode will have a "lifetime guarantee" because no mineral plating build up will ever occur. This ensures maximum performance every time the system is used year after year.
- Water clusters (bonds) are reduced in size. Thus, the water better hydrates your body and is absorbed much easier.
- The processed water "always has alkalinity" because the electrolyte used has minerals along with a post coral calcium mineral filter after the cell.
- The processed water is alkaline and falls in the pH range of 8.5 and 9.5.
- The processed water has a negative shift in milli-volts, the water has antioxidant properties meaning an abundance in free electrons.
- The processed water has one and a half (1.5) to two (2) times the dissolved oxygen content of the incoming potable tap water.
- The processed water has an increase in the dissolved hydrogen content to a measured amount of 25 ppm.
- Dissolved hydrogen water has superior oxidant reduction action as reported in National Library of Medicine. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17486089 Please open this web site for published scientific research on the health benefits of dissolved hydrogen in drinking water.
As noted the chemical reactions just above are the products our system produces during electrolytes of two molecules of water. O2 dissolved oxygen, H2 dissolved hydrogen, 2OH alkaline water, and 4e antioxidant water.
An Additional Benefit:
- Because Renaissance Water produces one and a half (1.5) to two (2) times the dissolved oxygen content in the water a unique physical chemistry text book reaction can be utilized not for drinking water but for water that needs to be sanitized as in hot tubs or swimming pools etc. That is the production of atomic oxygen (nascent) singlet oxygen which in turn produces ozone a powerful oxidizer. This reaction occurs in the presence of ultra-violet (UV) light at a wavelength of less than 240 nano meters (nm). The reaction occurs within the UV tube chamber. It will disrupt and destroy the DNA in virus, bacteria and cysts thereby sterilizing the water without the use of chemicals. (Go to the product section for more details).
What is needed:
- To produce the oxygenated alkaline water you must purchase or previously purchased an R/O system that we will attach too.
- The Renaissance water system requires a 120 volt AC outlet preferably under the sink where the system is normally found next to the R/O device. However, our system can be placed on the counter too.
- The filters on the R/O system need to be periodically changed, see manufacturers suggested maintenance schedule.
The essential key requirement when choosing an alkaline water system is:
To put it simply, it is not enough to drink high pH alkaline water. "In fact" pH is not a big factor at all when one is trying to alkalize their body. The key to addressing excessive metabolic acids and building alkalizing reserves in our body fluids and tissues is the amount of alkalinity (alkaline mineral compounds as calcium, sodium, or potassium bicarbonate mineral compounds) that are consumed. They are the important "buffering compounds" which prevents our body tissues from going acidic.
So, high pH ionized water, without accompanying alkalinity (bicarbonates, carbonates, and hydroxides) does little in the way of any healthful benefits.
Consumers using alkaline ionizers in low mineral areas (many city water supplies using surface water or river sources) are especially "misled" because the water from their alkaline ionizers can still be set to a high pH. However, there is too little alkalinity present to make a health difference.
Conventional alkaline water ionizers were developed decades before the importance of hydrogen gas was known, thus their design was optimized to produce alkaline water not dissolved hydrogen gas. In fact, some water ionizers may produce very high alkaline water, but with no detectable amounts of hydrogen gas. This is also observed in many water ionizers that may produce an adequate level off hydrogen gas when the "electrodes and hoses are clean", but after calcium builds up within the machine, the level of hydrogen gas can fall below the detection limit (this may take a few days or weeks depending on the source of the water).
With years of experience using electro-chemical devices in many different applications, a fact is this: Once minerals, as calcium, build up on the electrode it is next to impossible to remove those minerals from an electrode. Reversing polarity works slightly along with acidic cleaning. So, the efficiency of conventional alkaline water systems "will" deteriorate over time.
Importantly, one cannot rely on ORP readings to verify that their water has high dissolved hydrogen gas levels. You can have a -700mV reading while having very low <1ppm of dissolved hydrogen in the water. See the dissolved hydrogen gas results in the last section of this website that our ultimate H2O water produces "consistently".
"Ionized water is one of the simplest and most powerful things you can do to combat a wide range of disease processes."
Ray Kurzweil
Inventor, Author