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Certified Test Results

This water analysis that was performed and done at a State of Oregon certified water testing laboratory.

ORELAP Accredited Lab #: OR-100013. Alexin Analytical Laboratories, Tigard, Or. 97223 Phone: (503) 639-9311

Click on blue below to view the testing results:

Four water samples were taken by chain of custody and given to the accredited laboratory.

These four water samples were:

  • Sample #1 Tap water from our kitchen sink where the Ultimate H2O system is located.
  • Sample #2 R/O water from a Nimbus 5 stage system attached to our system.
  • Sample #3 Renaissance Ultimate H2O tested same day.
  • Sample #4 Renaissance Ultimate H2O 24 hrs. later, Stability test.

Comments and Observations for each water sample taken:

Sample #1: This sample is potable tap water taken from our kitchen sink in West Linn, Oregon. The potable water in the Pacific Northwest is know to be of low mineral and alkalinity content as the lab results measured. Also the potable tap water contains chlorine that is reflect in a high ORP level of +524 mV. Fluoride is not allowed by State law in Oregon to be put into our drinking water. Your State most likely allows fluoride treatment. In the Tap Water section of this web site you saw the City of West Linn Oregon's annual water analysis of our potable water. Because chlorine is put into most water supplies as a disinfectant agent tri-halomethanes (THM's) are formed one of which is chloroform a listed EPA known carcinogen. It would be reasonable to say that drinking your tap water that contains chlorine, fluoride, tri-halomethanes along with chloroform and a high ORP value which robs electrons from your body should not be consumed.

Next the potable tap water is passed through an R/O system to remove harmful contaminates. The next sample will reflect what is removed from the water.

Sample #2: Because R/O membranes unlike carbon filters can remove up to 1/10,000 of a micron particle size most all constituents in the potable water are removed. The total dissolved solids (TDS) and specific conductance (EC) are significantly reduced meaning the water now has a very small mineral content. The carbonate content in the water is also reduced as is seen in the alkalinity result. Because the carbonate is reduced notice that the pH of the water is also reduced. The R/O system also has removed the chlorine (including THM's) from the water so the ORP result now is lower at +394 mV.

Next the purified R/O water is now ready to pass through the Renaissance Ultimate H2O system.

Sample #3: The Ultimate H2O water system adds minerals (electrolytes) back into the water. The total dissolved solids and specific conductance are significantly increased. The alkalinity in the form of bicarbonate/citrate (buffer) improved to 403 mg/l thereby the pH of the water has become alkaline. The electrolytic cell shifted the ORP value to -151 mV or a total of 675 mV from the original value of +524 mV. Also, the dissolved oxygen content increased 1.5 times to 14 mg/l.

Sample #4: A "stability test" was performed to demonstrate that our Ultimate H2O water was stable over a period of 24 hours at room temperature in an open container away from direct sunlight.

The results reflected in the analytical findings found in Sample #3 and #4 are reasonably similar.

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