Renaissance Water
Renaissance Water
Health begins with water
Electrolysis of water is the decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen due to an electric current being passed through the water.
In that process an abundance of free "electrons" are made available:
2H2O-------4H + O2 + 4e
A balanced state of health is that in which the body thrives and is most apt to operate to its capacity. However, if you change the body's environment through poor diet, meaning foods that have been oxidized by processing or cooking, a build up of hydrogen ions results. The consequence of this is an acidic state and a lower pH. To be healthy again, you need only change the environment of your body by adding alkaline substances that have an abundance of "electrons" such as Ionized Water and raw fruits and vegetables.
Ionized Water reflects the characteristics of raw foods in several ways:
- Ionized water has an abundance of electrons as do raw foods.
- Ionized water has a negative charge, or lower ORP as do raw foods.
- Ionized water possesses negative ions as do raw foods.
- Ionized water is alkaline as are raw foods.
- Ionized water is hydrating as are raw foods.
- Ionized water is detoxifying as are raw foods.
- Ionized water provides the body with ionic minerals as do raw foods.
True health is only found in nature. Ionized water mimics and magnifies nature better than any substance known.
Dr. William Tiller professor and chairman at Stanford University in Engineering is quoted saying "Any mechanical, electrical process that alters the physical or chemical characteristics of water thereby creating a new form or species of water, which utilized by plants, animals, or humans demonstrates measurable and repeatable benefits to chemical, enzymatic and general cellular functions."
Also, a water researcher and author are quoted, Dr. Lee Lorenzen using MRI technology found that when breaking the waters hydrogen bonds "nano-clustered water that was introduced into the body or other living organisms would positively influence cellular resonance and influence internal chemical and enzymatic reactions."
The Renaissance alkaline water system is successful in creating the same effect giving us many scientifically based benefits.
"A vital body equals having spare electrons"
Annie and Dr. David Jubb
Physiologist, Author