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Understanding R/O Water

Is Reverse Osmosis (R/O) Water Safe to Drink?

Water is the most essential element needed by the body. All bio-chemical reactions within living things occur in the matrix of water. It is a universal solvent, the cornerstone of health, and the body's lubricant. Proper hydration of the body is crucial to human health and clean water is said to have more value than gold. Numerous water companies are found in all the nations of the earth and provide technology for purifying potable water. Filtration is the most common way to purify water. Using sediment filters to remove suspended solids, followed by carbon filtration to remove organic compounds has made a company like Brita a leader in the field of point of use systems (POU). Other companies like Arrowhead use bottle water as their vehicle of delivery. Other bottle water companies may use various filtration techniques such as reverse osmosis, and ultra violet light. In both of these examples, problems arise if filters are not changed regularly or with the leaching of plasticizers from plastic bottle containers into the water.

What about R/O water is it healthy to drink?

The answer is NO. The reasons why I will now explain:

First, you must understand two (2) scientific analytical terms.

They are:

  • Total dissolved solids (TDS) is measured in mg/l (ppm). TDS is a measure of the combined content of all dissolved inorganic (minerals) and substances contained in a liquid. In potable tap water these are commonly calcium, magnesium, chloride, and bi-carbonate. The TDS of R/O water is normally very low about 10 mg/l or less and normal potable tap water is about 200 mg/l.
  • Electrical conductivity (EC) is measured in micro-Siemens (uS). It is the ability of a substance to conduct electricity. The EC of R/O water is normally also very low about 15 uS or less and normal potable tap water is about 300 uS.

TDS or total dissolved solids are the ions (minerals) in solution and EC or electrical conductivity is a measure of the ionic activity of a solution in terms of its capacity to transmit current. The more minerals in the water the more electrical conductivity in the water.

So, TDS and EC are comparable in that they are both inter-related.

So why should you not consume R/O water?

R/O water purification systems virtually remove all of minerals or TDS from the water. In doing so, the water now has minimal electrical conductance (EC) because there are no electrolytes available in the purified R/O water. Also, in removing the bicarbonate from the water it will tend to become acidic.

The water we drink must have minerals which are the electrolytes that conduct electrical current necessary to perform vital body functions. All known higher lifeforms require a subtle and complex electrolyte balanced environment. In particular, the maintenance of precise osmotic gradients of electrolytes is important. Such gradients affect and regulate the hydration of the body as well as blood pH and are critical for nerve and muscle function. Your body is constantly keeping that concentration of various different electrolytes under tight control.

An additional point about reverse osmosis (R/O) water systems. Because the filtration membranes are so efficient in the removal of most constituent's, they also eliminate pesticides, bacteria, viruses and other contaminates that a consumer of potable water supplies should not ingest.

The two (2) websites below provide intellectual information as to the efficacy of a properly maintained reverse osmosis system.

Click below on the blue below to see what analytically happens to your tap water followed by a R/O filtration system:

Yes, reverse osmosis is an excellent way to take out most impurities from potable water however, it should "not be consumed" for the reasons these professionals site:

Dr. M. Emote a Japanese researcher, and

Dr. R. McCauley author and MIT engineer agree that:

"Reverse osmosis water acidifies and leaches minerals from the body, and because of the large size and shape of the water molecule does not hydrate the body well. Electrolysis and adding minerals back into the water, making the water alkaline and increasing the alkalinity enhances the highly purified R/O water increasing its effectiveness."

"When drinking water, think of its source"

Chinese Proverb

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