Renaissance Water
Renaissance Water
Health begins with water
Why Are We Different
Why Are We Different
Differentiation and Distinction
Renaissance Water Company is unique in this regard:
- Our water is purified by a R/O before it passes into the electrolytic cell.
- Our water is abundant in dissolved oxygen.
Using purified R/O water we produce an abundance of dissolved oxygen for the consumer to drink. Conventional alkaline water systems can not provide you with increased dissolved oxygen because they produce both dissolved oxygen and chlorine at the anode.
Because all potable tap water sources naturally have chloride in the water. At the anode where oxygen is produced during electrolysis if chloride is present it would be converted to chlorine. So, in their alkaline water systems they either waste that water or tell the customer to use it as a disinfection product.
So what proof is there that increased amounts of dissolved oxygen are beneficial in drinking water?
Otto Warburg in the 1930's was awarded two (2) Noble prizes in different years for his work on why the most serious types of diseases caused at the cellular level are due to two (2) specific criteria.
- The cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by the fermentation of sugar (anaerobic respiration)
- Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of higher levels of oxygen.
Open website below:
Oregon State University and OHSU School of Medicine have published a 2022 research study on the effect of increasing oxygen at the cellular level in laboratory mice with advanced pancreatic cancer. A significant to 100% reduction in cancer cells was observed.
Open website below:
These are:
- The metabolic pathway of fermentation which is anaerobic (without oxygen) causing an acidic environment
- The lack of an adequate amount of oxygen at the cellular level.
Also, nutritionists and the medical community have published research indicating that the bacterial colonies residing in your gut play key roles in the development of many serious diseases. The bacterial colonies that cause these diseases are strict anaerobic types preferring to thrive in your gut without oxygen.
Check out theses web sites below that explain the importance of good bacterial gut flora as it relates to our health:
Larger populations of aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria vs. smaller strict anaerobic bacteria in our gut (intestines) may help us avoid conditions that get us sick. Animals as well as humans are susceptible in this regard. The highly oxygenated water that we produce has proved to be beneficial for animals in stopping serious diseases from occurring.
For example, a serious fatal bleeding gut disease, necrotic enteritis, caused by an anaerobic bacteria Clostridium perfringens is common at commercial poultry farms.
See photo below and look at the web sites:
Picture below of an autopsy of a chicken intestine infected with necrotic enteritis

The traditional ways poultry farmers control this disease are with growth simulators, antibiotics and vaccines.
Our "highly oxygenated water" was used at numerous turkey, pig, and chicken farms in the U.K. for their largest producer, Grampian and in Canada and the USA at Foster Farms and Tyson Foods.
What were the findings?
No occurrence of the disease necrotic enteritis was found after numerous growing cycles involving greater than 50 million poultry, turkey's, pigs, and no vaccines or antibiotics were ever needed or used. Also the feed conversion ratio dramatically changed meaning that the animals would eat less but still gained the same amount of weight on less food.
How do we know the intestinal gut flora was (changed) different? See web site below.
Independent studies were conducted by PhD nutritionists and a DVM from Nutritional Services U.K. and at Queens University, Belfast Ireland. They found that the gut flora in the oxygenated water group in comparison to the normal tap water control group had these results: Observe the significant improvement as compared to the tap water control group in gut flora.
- In the small intestine, a 3 to 1 ratio of aerobic and facultative bacteria to anaerobic bacteria.
- In the large intestine, a 4 to 1 ratio of aerobic and facultative bacteria to anaerobic bacteria.
"Death sits in the bowels and bad digestion is the root of all evil"
Hippocrates 400 B.C.
Father of Western Medicine